A dream like this, that's something you wish for
A dream like this, that's something you ask for
When it's a gift worth taking a chance for
Then this is something you dance for
this is something you dance for
There's a moment when you look to decide
Who will fall, who will survive
That's the moment when you find it inside
On the line, this is your time
And it's all I want, and it's all I do
A dream like this, that's something you wish for
A dream like this, that's something you ask for
When it's a gift worth taking a chance for
Then this is something you dance for (x2)
Be be be my BFF cuz' IDK what's coming next and I’ll be LMHO with the rest so TTYLXOX ! (x2)
Show up in the same dress, we don't know who wore it best. Not make a big deal. Act like it’s a new trend look good when we go ‘round here try on these I found this boy who said you're sweet, he's got a best friend... and you're always be...
Be be be my BFF cuz' IDK what's coming next LMHO with the rest so TTYLXOX ! Be be be my BFF cuz' IDK what's coming next LMHO with the rest so TTYL[XOX (x6)] !
Something to dance for/TTYLXOX:
En meme temps:
Be be be my BFF cuz' IDK what's coming next LMHO with the rest so TTYLXOX ! (x4)
A dream like this, that's something you wish for
A dream like this, that's something you ask for
When it's a gift worth taking a chance for
Then this is something you dance for (x2)
Au commencement dieu créa les cieux et la terre [ ...] ainsi furent achevés les cieux et la terre et toute leurs armée . Au commencement Nois créa les jeux de ce site [...] ainsi fut achevé Le site jeux 2 filles . Au commencement je piochais quelques chansons ou vidéos [...] ainsi fut achevé My Blog. {ceci est un texte parodique il n'est en aucun cas insultant en vers une tierce personne de telle ou telle religion} Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne visite! LÂCHEZ LES COMMS!!! Vous en aurez en retour Que la paix règne sur ce blog. ;)